Ragdolls are among the most distinctive breeds beautiful, friendly, intelligent—and very loving.

They’re also very popular; their large size and laid-back disposition have become a favorite for families worldwide! They’re also among the unique breeds, with a long list of interesting facts about their history and personality.

If you’re considering adopting a ragdoll kitten or cat, look at these 80 facts and see if you can’t find one that will match your lifestyle exactly!

Top 10 Facts About Ragdoll Cats

Facts About Ragdoll Cats

Ragdoll cats are a breed of domestic cats with blue eyes and white coats. They are calm, docile, affectionate, and easy to train. Ragdolls were first developed in 1960s California by Ann Baker, who was breeding Persian-Angora mixes.

This is a list of the top ten facts about these beautiful cats:

Facts#: Their fur is usually white or cream colored with a smattering of dark points on their face and ears.

Facts#: They have blue eyes that often appear luminescent due to their unique eye structure.

Facts#: The Ragdoll cat is a breed of cat that has a genetic mutation that makes it unusually large, docile, and floppy-eared.

Facts#: They also have blue eyes and point coloration (where the points are white).

Facts#: These cats are considered semi-longhairs because they have longer hair than other breeds, but not as long as Persians or Maine Coon cats, for example.

Facts#: The name “ragdoll” comes from the tendency of these cats to go limp when picked up by their back legs or tail—a trait they share with their namesake, a type of doll.

Facts#: There are two types of Ragdolls, classic and Mitted. The classic has no white mittens on its paws, while the Mitted does have them.

Facts#: Ragdolls are a long, muscular breed with huge eyes that make them look like they belong in Disney films.

Facts#: They tend to sleep anywhere and everywhere.

Facts#: They have a sweet personality and can be trained easily.

Interesting Facts About Ragdoll Cats

Interesting Facts About Ragdoll Cats

Because they’re relative newcomers to the cat world, people sometimes aren’t familiar with all the facts about ragdoll cats. These ten facts will help you learn more about the breed.

Facts#: The name “Ragdoll” comes from the cats’ tendency to go limp when picked up.

Facts#: Ragdolls are a distinct breed of cat that originated in California in the 1960s.

Facts#: Ragdolls are one of the largest breeds of cats, with males weighing between 9-20 pounds and females weighing between 7-15 pounds.

Facts#: They have blue eyes and white fur with patches of red or blue on their face and body. (Source)

Facts#: Their coat is soft, silky, and long, with a lot of undercoat for warmth during colder months—which is why they’re often referred to as “cuddle bugs.”

Facts#: Ragdolls are known for being playful and affectionate with people they trust, which makes them great pets for families with kids or seniors who need some extra love in their lives!

Facts#: Ragdolls are a cross between an African serval and a domestic cat.

Facts#: They’re one of the most popular breeds in the world, thanks to their sweet nature and curly fur!

Facts#: The name “Ragdoll” comes from their tendency to go limp when picked up by humans. This trait is also called “fainting.”

Facts#: Ragdolls are hypoallergenic cats because they don’t shed much hair, unlike other breeds (like Siamese).

Fun Facts About Ragdoll Cats

Fun Facts About Ragdoll Cats

Ragdoll cats are known for their fun personalities and unique traits. If you’re considering adopting a Ragdoll cat, these ten facts may surprise—or delight!

Facts#: The name “ragdoll” comes from the fact that these cats would go limp when picked up by their owners—just like a rag doll!

Facts#: Ragdolls are not a cat breed but a color pattern and body type.

Facts#: They are known for their large size, gentle nature, and long coats.

Facts#: Ragdolls are typically large-boned cats with broad chests and large paws that give them the appearance of being more significant than they are.

Facts#: Ragdoll cats can be any color or pattern, but most have white muzzles and paws with dark points on the ears, legs, tail, chest, and face.

Facts#: The Ragdoll’s coat is medium-long in length with a silky texture that feels like rabbit fur or watercolor paper!

Facts#: Ragdoll cats are not rag dolls!

Facts#: They love people and will greet everyone who comes in the door with a meow or a trill.

Facts#: The name says it all – they love to be held!

Facts#: Their fur is silky and soft.

Cool Facts About Ragdoll Cats

Cool Facts About Ragdoll Cats

Ragdoll cats are usually quiet but tend to meow a lot when they want something. Here’s some more cool ragdoll cat trivia!

Facts#: Their eyes are usually blue or green, but sometimes hazel or brown as well!

Facts#: They can weigh up to 15 pounds—almost twice as much as a typical housecat!

Facts#: Ragdolls are known for being gentle with children and other animals; they’re very patient with kids who want to play with them all day long!

Facts#: The first recorded litter of ragdoll kittens was born in 1963 to a Birman cat named Josephine and an unknown father.

Facts#: Ragdoll cats are known for their docile nature and affectionate behavior toward humans, which makes them ideal pets for families with children or other pets.

Facts#: Ragdoll cats can have either long fur or short fur, but long-haired ragdolls are more common than short-haired ones because it’s easier to breed long-haired cats than to breed short-haired ones.

Facts#: Because they are bred from moggies (domestic cats), ragdoll kittens grow up friendly and easygoing like their parents were before them!

Facts#: Ragdolls are known for their docile demeanor, but they can be quite the attention-grabbers. They have a very soothing voice, and some owners report that their cats’ purrs can even help them fall asleep!

Facts#: Ragdoll cats come in three different color patterns: seal point, blue point, and chocolate point.

Facts#: All ragdoll cats have white paws!

Fascinating Facts About Ragdoll Cats

Fascinating Facts About Ragdoll Cats

Ragdoll cats are sweet and playful but have some unique features. Here are a few things that might surprise you:

Facts#: The Ragdoll cat breed is known for being laid-back and sweet.

Facts#: Ragdoll cats are known for going limp when picked up, like a rag doll.

Facts#: Ragdolls are big cats! Males can weigh up to 20 pounds, while females weigh around 12 pounds.

Facts#: The Guinness Book of World Records lists the longest domestic cat as a Ragdoll.

Facts#: The most famous Ragdoll is probably Fang, who belongs to Dr. Evil in the movie “Austin Powers.”

Facts#: The breed is known for its loving nature and lack of aggression.

Facts#: Ragdolls are an affectionate and laid-back cat breed!

Facts#: Males are always bigger than females.

Facts#: Ragdolls love water and swimming.

Facts#: Ragdolls are intelligent cats.

Surprising Facts About Ragdoll Cats

Get ready to learn some interesting things about one of the world’s most beloved cat breeds! Here are ten facts that might surprise you.

Facts#: Ragdoll cats are initially from Riverside, California.

Facts#: Ragdoll cats have three layers of fur.

Facts#: Ragdolls are born all white.

Facts#: The name “Ragdoll” was meant to be ironic because they were so active.

Facts#: Ragdolls can become very attached to their owners and even suffer depression if left alone for too long.

Facts#: They aren’t as cuddly as they used to be. They were more affectionate in their early years.

Facts#: Ragdolls love people and don’t like a quiet house; they want lots of attention, love, and play.

Facts#: They’re very social cats who enjoy being around other animals.

Facts#: Ragdolls are often referred to as “puppy cats.”

Facts#: Ragdolls are very docile cats.

Medical Facts About Ragdolls Cats

Facts#: They have large heads.

Facts#: Ragdoll cats are easy to train.

Facts#: They have soft and long fur.

Facts#: They need weekly grooming.

Facts#: Ragdoll cats are excellent at using a litter pan.

Facts#: They get along well with other pets.

Facts#: Their joints are vulnerable to hip dysplasia.

Facts#: Their life span is about 15 years.

Facts#: They have a broad chest and long legs.

Facts#: These cats require minimal daily physical activity.

Ragdoll Cats Facts for Kids

Ragdoll cats are known for their gentle and loving nature, making them an excellent choice for families with children.

Facts#: Ragdolls are friendly to other cats and dogs.

Facts#: Ragdoll cats love people.

Facts#: Ragdoll cats are very trusting with children.

Facts#: They like being picked up and held close.

Facts#: They are easy to care for.

Facts#: Their coats are silky and easy to groom.

Facts#: They have large, expressive eyes that can be blue, green, or gold.

Facts#: They start as kittens with light coats, but the colors darken as they mature.

Facts#: They don’t do well outdoors because they don’t learn how to protect themselves so well because they don’t get afraid quickly as other cats do.

Facts#: Ragdoll cats make great pets for many families, including those with kids and dogs!


1. What Is a Ragdoll Cat?

A: A Ragdoll cat is a breed of domestic cat. They are large and gentle, with long bodies and soft fur. They’re often referred to as “ragdolls” because they’re so relaxed that you can pick them up by their tails without fear of being hurt! -Ragdoll cats are known for their long, flowing coats.

2. Why Are Ragdoll Cats so Popular?

A: Ragdoll cats are very popular because they are friendly, easy to care for, and highly affectionate. They love to be around people and will follow you from room to room like a dog.

3. How Long Do Ragdoll Cats Live?

A: Ragdoll cats can live up to 15-20 years. The oldest known Ragdoll cat lived for 27 years!

4. How Much Does It Cost to Own a Ragdoll Cat?

A: The Ragdoll cat is not a cheap breed. The initial cost of the kitten will be about $600, but that does not include vaccinations or spaying/neutering. You will also need to pay for annual vet visits and any medical care your cat may need during its lifetime.

5. Are Ragdoll Cats Hypoallergenic?

A: Ragdolls are not hypoallergenic. While the breed is less likely to trigger allergies than other cats, they still produce dander which can cause reactions in those who are allergic.


The following facts about Ragdoll cats will help you better understand this beautiful breed. They are one of the most popular breeds in the world, and they have a lot to offer—if you’re thinking about getting or already owning one, here’s what makes them unique.

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