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Are you looking for the perfect name for your new furry companion? If you believe in the magic of cats, you’ll love this list of 100 magical cat names! Whether your cat is male or female, black, white, grey, calico, or ginger, we have a magical name that will suit their enchanting personality. From cute and whimsical to solid and mysterious, these names will add a touch of magic to your feline friend’s life. Check out our list below!

Magical Male Cat Names

Photo: Saddam,Canva,Pixabay
  • Merlin: A mighty name for a wise and mystical cat.
  • Oberon: Inspired by the King of the Fairies from Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.”
  • Gandalf: A nod to the great wizard from “The Lord of the Rings.”
  • Albus: Named after the legendary Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts.
  • Nimbus: A name that evokes the image of a magical cloud.
  • Salem: A reference to the cunning and magical black cat from “Sabrina the Teenage Witch.”
  • Puck: Inspired by the mischievous sprite from Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.”
  • Cosmo: A celestial name that represents the wonders of the cosmos.
  • Hocus: A playful name that references the famous magic phrase “Hocus Pocus.”
  • Midnight: Perfect for a black cat with a mysterious and magical aura.

Magical Female Cat Names

  • Luna: A name inspired by the moon, often associated with magic and mystery.
  • Willow: A graceful and magical name, that evokes images of enchanted forests.
  • Sabrina: Named after the iconic teenage witch from the TV series and comics.
  • Aurora: Meaning “dawn,” this name symbolizes the magical beauty of a new day.
  • Mystique: A name that reflects the cat’s air of mystery and allure.
  • Celeste: A celestial name that conveys a sense of enchantment and wonder.
  • Bellatrix: A powerful and mystical name associated with the stars.
  • Hermione: Inspired by the intelligent and brave witch from the Harry Potter series.
  • Pandora: Symbolizing curiosity and the opening of new magical possibilities.
  • Seraphina: A name of angelic origins, representing purity and grace.

Cute Magical Cat Names

  • Pixie: A playful and cute name that reflects the cat’s magical and mischievous nature.
  • Sprinkle: A whimsical and adorable name, like a sprinkle of magic.
  • Puff: A name that signifies the cat’s soft and fluffy presence, like a magical puff of cloud.
  • Whiskerina: Combining “whiskers” and “ballerina,” this cute name represents the cat’s graceful and magical movements.
  • Sugarplum: A sweet and magical name that evokes images of whimsy and enchantment.
  • Snickers: A name that reflects the cat’s playful and mischievous nature, like a magical laugh.
  • Cupcake: A sweet and adorable name that brings a touch of magic to your cat’s personality.
  • Noodle: A cute and whimsical name for a cat with playful and magical antics.
  • Sprinkle: A delightful and magical name that adds a sprinkle of joy to your cat’s presence.
  • Pudding: A cute and cuddly name that signifies the sweet and magical nature of your feline friend.

Good Magical Cat Names

  • Prospero: A name inspired by the powerful sorcerer from Shakespeare’s “The Tempest.”
  • Seraph: Symbolizing an angelic and divine presence, representing your cat’s magical nature.
  • Mystique: A name that reflects the cat’s aura of mystery and enchantment.
  • Enchant: A name that captures the essence of your cat’s ability to captivate and charm.
  • Zephyr: Evoking the gentle and magical breeze of spring, representing your cat’s soothing presence.
  • Alchemy: A name that signifies the transformation and magical qualities of your feline friend.
  • Rune: Symbolizing ancient symbols of magic and wisdom, reflecting your cat’s mystical nature.
  • Solstice: A name associated with the magical transition of seasons, representing your cat’s transformative energy.
  • Charm: A name that represents your cat’s ability to cast a spell of enchantment on everyone they meet.
  • Sage: Symbolizing wisdom and mysticism, representing your cat’s magical and knowledgeable nature.

Short Magical Cat Names

  • Zara: A short and magical name that brings a touch of uniqueness to your cat.
  • Jinx: A brief and playful name that signifies your cat’s mischievous and magical nature.
  • Lux: A short and elegant name that represents your cat’s luxurious and enchanting presence.
  • Nova: Symbolizing a star’s sudden burst of light, reflecting your cat’s magical and radiant aura.
  • Zen: A short and mystical name that captures your cat’s serene and magical essence.
  • Blaze: Brief and powerful, representing your cat’s fiery and enchanting personality.
  • Luna: A short and celestial name associated with the moon’s magical presence.
  • Neo: Meaning “new” or “gift” in Greek, representing the magical addition of your cat to your life.
  • Wisp: A short and whimsical name that reflects your cat’s fleeting and magical nature.
  • Mira: A brief and magical name that signifies your cat’s extraordinary and wondrous qualities.

Magical White Cat Names

  • Stardust: A name that represents the cat’s ethereal and enchanting nature.
  • Snowflake: A delicate and magical name that evokes the image of a falling snowflake.
  • Seraphina: Symbolizing purity and angelic grace.
  • Frost: A name that captures the cat’s icy beauty and magical aura.
  • Luna: A celestial name associated with the moon’s magical presence.
  • Pearl: A name inspired by the precious gemstone associated with purity and magic.
  • Crystal: Symbolizing the cat’s enchanting and translucent beauty.
  • Nimbus: A name that signifies a luminous cloud, representing the cat’s magical essence.
  • Ivory: A name inspired by the smooth and magical white material.
  • Bianca: Meaning “white” in Italian, this name exudes elegance and magic.

Magical Gray Cat Names

  • Asher: Meaning “blessed” or “fortunate,” this name represents the cat’s magical and auspicious presence.
  • Misty: A name that captures the cat’s mysterious and ethereal nature, like a magical mist.
  • Nimbus: A name that symbolizes a cloud of enchantment and wonders, perfect for a gray cat.
  • Merlin: A legendary name associated with wisdom and sorcery, fitting for a mystical gray feline.
  • Storm: Inspired by the powerful and dynamic forces of nature, reflecting the cat’s magical energy.
  • Smoky: A name that reflects the cat’s gray coat, evoking an image of swirling magical smoke.
  • Luna: A celestial name representing the moon’s magical influence, fitting for a gray cat.
  • Sterling: Symbolizing the cat’s silver-gray coat, this name exudes elegance and enchantment.
  • Mistral: Inspired by the gentle yet mysterious wind, reflecting the cat’s magical presence.
  • Ash: A name that signifies the cat’s gray color, like the remnants of a magical fire.

Magical Calico Cat Names

  • Serendipity: A name that represents the cat’s magical and fortunate nature.
  • Kaleidoscope: Symbolizing the cat’s colorful and ever-changing coat, like a magical pattern.
  • Mysticat: A playful and whimsical name that combines “mystic” and “cat” for a magical calico feline.
  • Harmony: Reflecting the cat’s unique blend of colors, symbolizing the magical harmony within.
  • Fantasia: A name that captures the cat’s imaginative and magical presence.
  • Patchwork: Inspired by the diverse and magical patches of color in the cat’s coat.
  • Mariposa: Meaning “butterfly” in Spanish, this name represents the cat’s enchanting and vibrant personality.
  • Aurora: Symbolizing the magical beauty of the cat’s multi-colored coat, like the northern lights.
  • Whimsy: A playful and magical name that reflects the cat’s whimsical nature.
  • Mosaic: A name that signifies the cat’s intricate and enchanting blend of colors.

Magical Ginger Cat Names

  • Ember: A fiery and magical name for a ginger cat, symbolizing its vibrant energy.
  • Phoenix: A legendary bird associated with rebirth and magic, fitting for a ginger feline.
  • Rusty: A playful name that reflects the cat’s warm and magical ginger-colored fur.
  • Blaze: Symbolizing the cat’s fiery and enchanting presence, like a magical blaze.
  • Sunny: Evoking images of brightness and warmth, perfect for a ginger cat with a magical charm.
  • Gingerbread: A whimsical and magical name inspired by the sweet and spicy treat.
  • Merlin: A name associated with wisdom and sorcery, fitting for a magical ginger cat.
  • Spark: Reflecting the cat’s vibrant and energetic nature, like a spark of magic.
  • Cinnamon: A name that signifies the cat’s warm and magical ginger hue.
  • Copper: Symbolizing the cat’s rich and enchanting ginger coat.

Magical Black Cat Names

  • Shadowcaster: A name that signifies the cat’s ability to manipulate darkness and shadows.
  • Ebony: A sleek and enchanting name for a black cat.
  • Midnight: Symbolizing the magical time between day and night.
  • Obsidian: A name inspired by the black volcanic glass, representing strength and mystery.
  • Salem: A reference to the magical black cat from “Sabrina the Teenage Witch.”
  • Jinx: A playful name that reflects the cat’s mischievous and magical nature.
  • Hecate: Named after the Greek goddess associated with magic and witchcraft.
  • Onyx: A name inspired by the gemstone known for its dark and mystical beauty.
  • Morticia: Named after the matriarch of the Addams Family, known for her dark and enchanting presence.
  • Diablo: Meaning “devil” in Spanish, this name captures the cat’s mysterious and bewitching charm.

More Cat Names:


I am a professional content writer passionate about all things pet-related. I love animals and have dedicated my life to their care. With years of experience in the pet industry, I enjoy sharing my expertise through writing and volunteering at animal shelters. In my free time, I love snuggling with my furry friends.