20 Facts About Catnip That’ll Blow Your Mind

Catnip is a plant that has minty, lemony, and sometimes spicy scents. Cats like Catnip very much. Cats love to sniff it and roll it over and eat it! It is suitable for the body and helps in digestion.

Sometimes you can give your cat some catnip by boiling water and adding this herb to their drink (or make them tea?) They get excited by the smell, roll on the floor or rub themselves against things until they fall asleep. Besides, the popularity of this Catnip tree has resulted in many cat owners using it to play and keep their pets happy.

We have listed some important facts about this Catnip below, which we hope will be helpful to you. If you’ve noticed a lot of information about cat ears, cat brains, and cat eyes in particular—you can read on!

20 Interesting Facts About Catnip

Interesting Facts About Catnip

Cat owners should know the facts about Catnip to make informed decisions on how they use it with their feline companions.

Here are 20 facts about Catnip that will surprise you:

Facts #1- Catnip is a plant, and Catnip is an herb in the mint family.

Facts #2- Catnip is a perennial herb that grows throughout the world.

Facts #3- It can grow up to 2 feet tall, with leaves that are about 1 inch long and flowers that are white and purple.

Facts #4- Catnip is a perennial herb that often grows in areas where it’s sunny and hot, like fields or gardens.

Facts #5- Male cats usually like Catnip more than female cats because the same chemical can be found in a female cat’s urine.

Facts #6- Cats love to eat Catnip! When cats smell Catnip, they rub their faces against it and drool all over it! This is because they get high off from the chemicals in the plant.

Facts #7- The effects of Catnip last around 10 minutes for most cats (but some will stay high for up to an hour)! Just be sure to keep your kitty away from other pets while she’s tall—they may not feel as good as she does!

Facts #8- If you want your cat to get high again later, give them more Catnip at another time! They’ll be back on their feet in no time!

Facts #9- You can buy dried or fresh Catnip at any pet supply store—you can make your own if you’d like! Just be sure it doesn’t have any pesticides on it or anything else harmful to animals.

Facts #10- Rubbing or sprinkling catnip on scratching posts can make them more attractive to cats.

Facts #11- Catnip contains an essential oil called nepetalactone. When a cat inhales this oil, it causes a reaction in its brain that leads to excitement, euphoria, and hyperactivity.

Facts #12- Catnip is not just for cats—dogs can also get high from it! However, dogs don’t react as strongly as cats do because their brains can break down nepetalactone better than cats’ brains can break down the same substance

Facts #13- Catnip contains chemical compounds that stimulate a response in cats but doesn’t affect humans or other animals.

Facts #14- This response is why cats become so excited when they smell Catnip—it triggers a reaction that makes them feel good.

Facts #15- Cats like to eat the Catnip fresh, but it’s also sold dried as tea or in capsules for people to give their cats home.

Facts #16- It’s not just domestic cats who like Catnip—wild cats do too! In fact, all mammals have an olfactory receptor, which means they can smell and be affected by it, just like your kitty cat!

Facts #17- Humans often use Catnip as an ingredient in herbal remedies for headaches and stress relief because of its calming effects on humans and cats (and dogs!).

Facts #18- Kittens and older cats are less sensitive to Catnip than younger adult cats.

Facts #19- Catnip may be used as a training tool for kittens and cats.

Facts #20- It has been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times and as an herbal remedy for insomnia, anxiety, and depression.


Now that you know a little more about the catnip plant and what makes it so unique, we hope you’ll do your part to keep this cat-approved herb in your garden! And don’t forget to share these facts with your friends who love cats!

For more information about cats names, please read our Great Pet Place blog. Here we have included some important facts about felines that you might find interesting.

Learn More Cat Facts:

FAQ- Facts About Catnip

1. What Does Catnip Do to Cats Brains?

We’re not really sure. While some studies have shown that Catnip can cause changes in brain activity and behavior, others have failed to confirm these results. In any case, it’s clear that Catnip has a powerful effect on cats—and that there are many things we don’t know about yet!

2. Can I Give My Cat Catnip every day?

Yes! Catnip has no harmful side effects, so it’s safe for your cat to use it as often as she likes. However, some cats may be immune to its impact and won’t react. If this is the case with yours, many other toys on the market can provide fun stimulation.

3. Is Catnip Good for The Immune System?

No scientific evidence suggests that Catnip is suitable for the immune system. However, many believe it can be used as part of an overall wellness program and has been shown to help relieve stress and anxiety.

4. Can Catnip Make Cats Sleepy?

Catnip has been shown to have a calming effect on cats. It’s unknown whether Catnip can make your cat sleepy. Still, it can be used as an overall wellness program to help reduce stress and anxiety.

5. Why Catnip Makes Cats Go Crazy?

Cats are susceptible to nepetalactone, a chemical found in Catnip. When they smell it, they become hyperactive and playful. Some cats may roll around on the floor and rub against the catnip plant or its container. Others may simply sit back and enjoy their high!

6. Is Catnip Good for Anything?

Yes, cats love to play with Catnip. It can provide hours of entertainment for your feline friend! Give it a try if you have a cat and access to fresh or dried Catnip. Your kitty will thank you by rolling around on the floor and rubbing against the plant or container.

7. Can Cats Lick Catnip?

Yes, cats can lick Catnip. It is not harmful to them, and some cats love to do so! If you have a cat that enjoys licking things, try giving them some fresh or dried catnip. You may be surprised at how much fun your pet has with the plant!

8. What Does Catnip Do to Male Cats?

Catnip is a plant that contains nepetalactone, aromatic oil that triggers a response in cats when they smell it. It has been reported that Catnip can affect both male and female cats differently.